Viata mea in sase cuvinte
Acum o luna si-un pic aflam pentru prima data despre “Six words short stories”, adica sase cuvinte care spun o poveste.
Intreaga idee a aparut o data cu Hemingway si pretenii lui scriitori, ce povesteau intr-o seara la bere, sau ce-or fi band ei, despre puterea povestilor. In timp ce majoritatea dintre ei sustineau ca povestile trebuie sa fie lungi si explicite, Hemingway sustinea ca povestile scurte sunt cel putin la fel de puternice. A primit astfel o provocare, si anume sa scrie o poveste de impact in doar sase cuvinte.
La urmatoarea intalnire, Hemingway s-a prezentat cu rezultatul, pe care de altfel el insusi il numeste “cea mai reusita opera a mea”. Povestea lui in sase cuvinte este:
“For sale: baby shoes, never worn”.
Se foloseste de-atunci extins aceasta tehnica a povestilor scurte, iar una dintre utilizari este “biografia”, prin care iti rezumi viata in 6 cuvinte.
M-am distrat putin cu un prieten acum vreo doua seri, cam dupa cum urmeaza:
Saw much. Understood little. Still learning.
Followed society. Stopped. Freedom tastes great!
Woke up. Not a single regret.
Walked alot. Many steps spent daydreaming.
Did first, thought later, laughed always.
Learned many unuseful things. Fuck it!
Followed heart, stayed young. All again.
Are you there, God? Nevermind, then.
Opened my eyes. New and beautiful!
Followed society. Woke up. I’m Neo.
Waited to grow up. I’m old.
Disappointed others but stayed true to self.
Over the hills? Nope, actually near.
I need a hero. Someone else.
Rain. Thunders. Is that a rainbow?
Hello, so nice to meet me!:)
Ma intreb, oare care ar fi viata ta exprimata in 6 cuvinte? 🙂
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Have no mercy. Just go forward.
May the force be with you.