
Primul meu cantec – “I hit, you cry, we die”

Ieri a fost o zi plina de revelatie pentru identitatea mea de scriitor, pentru ca a fost ziua in care am scris pentru prima data altceva in afara de proza. Am scris primul meu cantec (ori poezie), in timpul unui proiect european gazduit in sudul Spaniei, in colaborare cu Claudia, Sorina si Irene. E un cantec despre o agresiune, dar un cantec scris nu din perspectiva victimei, ci din cea a agresorului. Care, in fapt, este victima cea dintai.

Precum se spune despre actul de a scrie, mi-am deschis venele si am sangerat pe foaie. Am sangerat mult. Si au iesit versurile de mai jos:

I hit, you cry, we die

I hit, you cry, we die

There’s mud, there’s blood,

I’m stuck in the crud,

There’s me piercing your body,

There’s you piercing my soul,

I hit, you cry, we die


I’m raping you now

Because you don’t stop raping me

I’m raping you now

PLEASE stop raping me

My anger hurts so much

It’s eating me inside

It bites my flesh, devours my soul,

I don’t know where to hide

You scream on the outside

And your voice is stabbing my heart

But you have no idea

Of the scream inside my own heart

I’m raping you now

Because you don’t stop raping me

I’m raping you now

PLEASE stop raping me

I’m disgusted with myself

I am an animal

Do you see what you’ve created?

Can’t you see what we’ve become?

The jail is my life now

Or what remains of it

I never through I could do this

Will you forgive me for it?

I’m raping you now

Because you don’t stop raping me

I’m raping you now

PLEASE stop raping me

I ask forgiveness to God

But can I forgive myself?

I ask forgiveness to you

But will you acknowledge my Self?

Look inside of you

And see me there

Lonely, despaired,

Longing for you to care

I’m raping you now

Because you don’t stop raping me

I’m raping you now

PLEASE stop raping me

I’m begging for you to forgive me

So that I can forgive my own self

Please, can we please close our eyes

And pretend we’re already dead?

I’m raping you now

And I’ll keep raping you

Until you stop, you see, you notice me.

You’re raping me now

And when you do

You hit, I cry, we die.

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